
What I can offer


I am able to consult on:

Trauma-informed and Social Emotional Learning initiatives in museums and/or arts organizations

Well-being and mental health initiatives

Helping people in the museum field find trauma-informed collaborators

Visitor research and evaluation plans (including instruments)

Survey questions & design, user testing, in-gallery studies for museums

Survey questions & design, evaluation plans etc. for trauma and/or eating disorder programs

My lived experiences as someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder, living with Complex PTSD and who identifies as disabled, e.g. I have lots of experiences in different mental health facilities and with different practitioners, some positive experiences, some harmful and everything in between. I’ve had to learn to be a good advocate for myself. There is so much that I wish mental health & healthcare providers in general understood. I often wish I could go back in time with the knowledge, awareness and internal support I currently have so that I could prevent some of the re-traumatization I experienced. I’m happy to consult to share my insights, experiences, and observations.


I’m open to collaborating on:

Articles, books, and other writing projects

Programs, talks, workshops, presentations etc.

Creative projects

Initiatives related to trauma and/or trauma-informed practices and values, eating disorder recovery, non apparent disabilities, and more

I’m interested in collaborating with:

Museum professionals and/or people working in other cultural organizations, libraries, and more

Mental health practitioners who are trauma-informed

Neurodivergent folks

Anyone who shares similar interests and/or values and feels collaborating would be mutually beneficial

Presentations & Workshops

I can present on and/or design workshops related to:

Awareness of trauma

Trauma-informed practices and values within a museum context

Trauma and dissociation

Trauma-informed practices and healing-centered engagement

Eating disorders

Mental health

Non apparent disabilities

Museum visitor research and evaluation


A 90 minute presentation on Trauma-informed Practices and Museum Work is $1500*. Following each presentation an extensive resource list along with a couple of reflective worksheets will be shared.

Key topics in this presentation are:

  • Why should museums be trauma-informed?

  • What is trauma? What are trauma responses?

  • What are trauma-informed principles and values?

  • How can we respond to activation and/or support nervous system regulation?

  • The central role context, connection, and choice play in nervous system regulation

  • What do trauma-informed practices look like in practice within a museum context, for visitors and staff? (e.g. trauma-informed inquiry, facilitation, meetings etc.

  • How can museums contribute to individual and collective healing?

    *If a presentation requires additional research and/or tailoring, is recorded and/or if there’s a need to have it scheduled for more than one date than there will be an additional cost. Fees are also flexible based on budgets of individuals and/or organizations.